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espectacular hotel en playa del pacifico
10221 m²
15 Habitaciones
10 Garaje
0 Baño(s)


  ENGLISH DESCRIPTION I present to you this beautiful property located in Playa Palo Seco, with great potential, it consists of a Hotel with all the comforts located in a paradisiacal place, where the prevailing nature has a unique beauty, wild animals come to the property and can be seen in its natural habitat, a great investment opportunity in the Central Pacific, an area of ​​great growth and added value from every point of view The Beach Resort is located in the central Pacific region of Costa Rica, on a large expanse of sand that forms this wonderful almost unique continental island, beautiful and wild beach with coconut trees adorned along 14 km and bathed on its back by a spectacular recognized mangrove. for its great variety of birds. Playa Isla Palo Seco is located about two hours from San José, 45 km from Jacó and 25 km from the city of Quepos, where the magnificent Manuel Antonio National Park is located.  The hotel offers 4 King rooms and 8 Queen rooms, beachfront restaurant, gift shop, employee quarters and a house at the back of the hotel. DESCRIPCION EN ESPAÑOL Les presento esta hermosa propiedad ubicada en Playa Palo Seco, con un gran potencial, consiste en un Hotel con todas las comodidades ubicado n un lugar paradisiaco, donde la naturaleza reinante posee una blleza unica, animales silvestres llegan a la propiedad y se puden apreciar en su habitat natural, una gran oportunidad de inversion n el Pacifico Central, una zona de gran crecimiento y plusvalia desde todo punto de vista El  Beach Resort está ubicado en la región del Pacífico central de Costa Rica, en una gran extensión de arena que forma esta maravillosa isla continental casi única, hermosa y salvaje playa con cocoteros adornada a lo largo de 14 km y bañada su espalda por un espectacular manglar reconocido. por su gran variedad de aves. Playa Isla Palo Seco se encuentra a unas dos horas de San José, a 45 km de Jacó y a 25 km de la ciudad de Quepos, donde se encuentra el magnífico Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio.  El hotel ofrece 4 habitaciones King y 8 habitaciones Queen, restaurante frente a la playa, tienda de regalos, habitaciones para empleados y una casa en la parte trasera del hotel.

US$2,000,000 USD

beach front hotel jaco
1800 m²
24 Habitaciones
20 Garaje
0 Baño(s)


Prime Oceanfront Hotel  This luxurry oceanfront property is located in the heart of Jaco Beach just a few steps from everything one may need. With a premier oceanfront restaurant and spacious common areas, it is  perfect for the best sunrise to sunsets of Costa Rica.  24 Rooms; 12 equipped and 12 standard Two swimminpools  Rancho and BBQ area  Two parking lots  Restaurant   

US$8,500,000 USD

propiedad comercial hotel en herradura
650 m²
8 Habitaciones
20 Garaje
0 Baño(s)


Hotel In Playa Herradura Costanera Rd just 5 min from jaco beach and 2.5 km from Los sueños resort, this hotel includes 8 spacious rooms and features 10 bathrooms, pool, Restaurant, warehouse, laundry room and parking space for more than 20 vehicles, each room comes with 2 double beds, TV, Minibar Fridge and individual AC unit. The proximity of this Hotel to Playa Jaco and the renowned Los Sueños Resort enhances its appeal, rendering it a perfect location for investors, the constant flow of thousands of vehicles along the Costanera Road adds a unique dynamism to this property and Herradura is experiencing remarkable growth, at only 400 meters away you will be able to find some of the best restaurant chains, convenience stores and supermarket making Herradura a promising investment destination.   Bienvenido a esta gran propiedad comercial ubicada en Playa Herradura en la Carretera Costanera, a solo 5 minutos de Playa Jacó y a 2.5 kilómetros del reconocido Los Sueños Resort. Este hotel incluye 8 amplias habitaciones y cuenta con 10 baños, piscina, restaurante, bodega y lavandería. además de espacio de estacionamiento para más de 20 vehículos, cada habitación cuenta con 2 camas dobles, TV, mini bar fridge y unidad de aire acondicionado individual. La proximidad de este hotel a Playa Jacó y Los Sueños Resort realza su atractivo, con una ubicación perfecta y con un flujo constante de miles de vehículos a lo largo de la Costanera agrega un dinamismo único a esta propiedad. Herradura está experimentando un crecimiento notable y a tan solo 400 metros podrás encontrar algunas de las mejores cadenas de restaurantes, tiendas de conveniencia y supermercado lo que la convierte a Herradura en un destino para inversionistas muy prometedor.

US$750,000 USD

vendo hotel en puntarenas frente al mar
700 m²
24 Habitaciones
24 Garaje
0 Baño(s)


Si eres un emprendedor apasionado por la hotelería y amante del mar, esta oportunidad de negocio te resultará sumamente atractiva. Esta propiedad se encuentra ubicada en el hermoso Cocal de Puntarenas, un lugar conocido por su seguridad, gracias a la proximidad de la Delegación de Policía de Puntarenas y diversas instituciones gubernamentales como INCOPESCA, INA, PANI y el Ministerio de Salud, así como la Universidad de Costa Rica y la UNED. Este encantador hotel con vista al mar ofrece un total de 24 habitaciones, cada una de ellas con baño completo y televisión por cable. La propiedad también cuenta con una recepción acogedora, una cocina funcional, una refrescante piscina y un amplio estacionamiento con capacidad para 24 automóviles. Y lo mejor de todo, ¡este hotel se encuentra justo frente al mar! No esperes más para dar el salto a la industria hotelera. Llama hoy mismo y comienza tu negocio de hotelería mañana mismo. En el mar, la vida es más sabrosa, y esta es tu oportunidad para hacerla aún más memorable." Carol Núñez 🇨🇷 +(506) 8913-1287 +(506) 2228-0200 [email protected]   If you are an entrepreneur passionate about the hotel industry and a lover of the sea, this business opportunity will be extremely appealing to you. This property is located in the beautiful Cocal de Puntarenas, a place known for its safety, thanks to its proximity to the Puntarenas Police Delegation and various government institutions such as INCOPESCA, INA, PANI, the Ministry of Health, as well as the University of Costa Rica and UNED. This charming seaside hotel offers a total of 24 rooms, each with a complete bathroom and cable television. The property also features a welcoming reception area, a functional kitchen, a refreshing swimming pool, and ample parking with space for 24 cars. And the best part of it all, this hotel is located right in front of the sea! Don't wait any longer to dive into the hotel industry. Call today and start your hotel business tomorrow. Life is more delightful by the sea, and this is your opportunity to make it even more memorable. Carol Núñez 🇨🇷 +(506) 8913-1287 +(506) 2228-0200 [email protected] del formulario  

US$2,600,000 USD

budha house un oasis para tus eventos privados
1018.71 m²
16 Habitaciones
8 Garaje
0 Baño(s)


En el punto mas comercial de Playa Jaco, se encuentra esta increible propiedad, que consta de 4 Locales Comerciales, el frente de la propiedad son 30 metros sobre la Avenida Pastor Diaz, y de un Airbnb con 18 Habitaciones, piscina, restaurant, jardines tropicales y parqueo.  El lugar donde se encuentra ubicada esta propiedad es de una plusvalia incalculable, ya que como es conocido Playa Jaco se esta desarrollando aceleradamente y como consecuencia el centro de Jaco se ha convertido en una zona turistica y comercial muy fuerte en el Pacifico Central. Tambien se pueden hacer ampliaciones en la parte interna de las 16 habitaciones, ya que existe bastante espacio disponible, en el cual se puede realizar un ambisioso proyecto a nivel hotelero y comercial. Los locales comerciales estan recientemente remodelados, dandole un valor adicional y un ingreso altamente atractivo para los inversionistas que buscan un regreso de la inversion inmediato al realizar la compra. El segundo piso de la parte externa es otra posibilidad, pudiendo realizar 2 locales grandes ideales para Restaurantes de lujo u otra actividad comercial idonea al lugar tan especial y con una ubicacion privilegiada. Si deseas mas informacion acerca de las diferentes posibilidades de ampliacion y de los ingresos de esta propiedad, comunicate con nosotros y de daremos esta informacion veraz de la situacion financiera de este lugar. ENGLISH In the most commercial point of Jaco Beach, you will find this incredible property, which consists of 4 Commercial Premises, the front of the property is 30 meters above Pastor Diaz Avenue, and an Airbnb with 18 rooms, swimming pool, restaurant, tropical gardens and parking. The place where this property is located is of incalculable added value, since Jaco Beach, as it is known, is developing rapidly and as a consequence the center of Jaco has become a very strong tourist and commercial area in the Central Pacific. Extensions can also be made to the internal part of the 16 rooms, since there is enough space available, in which an ambitious hotel and commercial project can be carried out. The commercial premises are recently remodeled, giving additional value and a highly attractive income for investors looking for an immediate return on investment when making the purchase. The second floor of the The external part is another possibility, being able to make 2 large premises ideal for luxury restaurants or other commercial activity suitable for such a special place and with a privileged location.  If you want more information about the different expansion possibilities and the income of this property, contact us and we will give you accurate information about the financial situation of this place.   The property has obtained the following international recognitions -Traveler Choice 2019 Tripadvisor - 5 Consecutive Years Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence    - Hall of Fame Tripadvisor. - 8.9 points in - Posibility of making more rooms easily. - Solar Water heaters.

US$2,500,000 USD

hermoso hotel en jaco centro
300 m²
7 Habitaciones
10 Garaje
7 Baño(s)


La venta de un hotel a tan solo 150 metros de la playa, con 7 habitaciones amplias y bien equipadas, piscina y ubicado en una zona tranquila con vegetación, suena como una excelente oportunidad de inversión. El hecho de que el hotel esté generando buenos ingresos anuales es un atractivo adicional para los potenciales compradores. Aquí hay algunas razones por las que este hotel podría ser una excelente opción para inversionistas: Ubicación privilegiada: La cercanía a la playa es un gran atractivo para los turistas que buscan disfrutar de unas vacaciones relajantes y disfrutar de actividades acuáticas. La ubicación cerca del mar también podría aumentar la demanda durante la temporada alta de turismo. Habitaciones amplias y bien equipadas: Las habitaciones espaciosas y bien equipadas son atractivas para los huéspedes que buscan comodidad y una experiencia de alojamiento de alta calidad. Esto podría llevar a que los huéspedes estén dispuestos a pagar tarifas más altas, lo que aumentaría los ingresos del hotel. Piscina y zona tranquila: La presencia de una piscina y una zona tranquila con vegetación puede ofrecer un ambiente relajante y agradable para los huéspedes. Estas características adicionales pueden ser un factor diferenciador que atraiga a más clientes y mejore las reseñas y recomendaciones del hotel. Ingresos estables: El hecho de que el hotel esté generando buenos ingresos anuales indica que ya tiene una base estable de clientes y una gestión eficiente. Esto podría ser una señal positiva para los compradores interesados en mantener y mejorar el rendimiento del negocio. Potencial de crecimiento: Si el hotel ya está generando buenos ingresos, existe la posibilidad de que haya oportunidades para expandir o mejorar aún más la propiedad para aumentar aún más los ingresos y el atractivo para los huéspedes. Sin embargo, antes de realizar una compra, es fundamental realizar una diligencia debida exhaustiva. Esto incluye revisar los estados financieros del hotel, analizar los flujos de ingresos y gastos, revisar la documentación legal y conocer los detalles sobre el rendimiento operativo del hotel. Además, es recomendable considerar factores externos, como la competencia en la zona, tendencias turísticas, regulaciones locales y cualquier otra circunstancia que pueda afectar el rendimiento del negocio. En resumen, un hotel con estas características y ubicación podría ser una excelente oportunidad de inversión, siempre y cuando se realice una investigación adecuada y se comprendan los riesgos y oportunidades asociadas con la compra de la propiedad. LA PERLITA está construida sobre 2 terrenos que representan un total de 1064,46 m2. (576,96 metros cuadrados + 487,50 metros cuadrados) El edificio principal de 2 niveles consta de 5 apartamentos, lavandería, piscina, parqueo interno y externo, hay 2 bungalows en el patio trasero el cual están amoblados. Hay 2 estudios completos de 30m2 que pueden acomodar a 3 personas cada uno. 1 apartamento de 50 m2 para 3 o 4 personas. 1 apartamento de 65 m2 para 6 personas. 1 apartamento de 95 m2 para 8 o 10 personas. La facturación bruta de 2022 es de 106.649 dólares estadounidenses, que ya era más o menos nuestra cifra antes de Covid. (2019: 105.341 / 2020: 66.513 / 2021: 89.352) Esta cifra se logra en 9½ a 10 meses ya que visitamos a la familia en septiembre y octubre y cerramos cuando los niños nos visitan durante el año. Los cargos anuales varían un poco dependiendo del trabajo de remodelación que hagamos, pero nunca han superado los $US 15 000. Los cargos son por los 12 meses del año. Les recordamos que ocupamos uno de los habitaciones lo que significa que la figura se hace con solo 6 de los 7 habitaciones Cada apartamento tiene Aire acondicionado. La Electricidad es totalmente independiente a cada uno de los apartamentos. Cada bungalow de 24m2 en el jardín puede alojar a 2 personas. Todos los estudios y apartamentos cuentan con cocina completa, TV y aire acondicionado. Los bungalows son habitaciones con ducha y baño y solo ventiladores de techo y una nevera en la habitación. La facturación bruta de 2022 es de 106.649 dólares estadounidenses, que ya era más o menos nuestra cifra antes de Covid. (2019: 105.341 / 2020: 66.513 / 2021: 89.352) Esta cifra se logra en 9½ a 10 meses ya que visitamos a la familia en septiembre y octubre y cerramos cuando los niños nos visitan durante el año. Los cargos anuales varían un poco dependiendo del trabajo de remodelación que hagamos, pero nunca han superado los $US 15 000. Los cargos son por los 12 meses del año. Escuchamos sus mejores Ofertas ( Los Dueños podrian ofrecer algun financiamiento directamente con ellos mismos y es una excelente oportunidad ) No la desaproveche  INGLES The sale of a hotel just 150 meters from the beach, featuring 7 spacious and well-equipped rooms, a swimming pool, and located in a tranquil area with lush vegetation, sounds like an excellent investment opportunity. The fact that the hotel is generating good annual income is an additional attraction for potential buyers. Here are some reasons why this hotel could be an excellent choice for investors: Prime Location: The proximity to the beach is a great attraction for tourists looking to enjoy a relaxing vacation and engage in water activities. The location near the sea could also boost demand during the high tourist season. Spacious and Well-Equipped Rooms: The spacious and well-equipped rooms are appealing to guests seeking comfort and a high-quality accommodation experience. This could lead to guests being willing to pay higher rates, thus increasing the hotel's income. Swimming Pool and Tranquil Area: The presence of a swimming pool and a tranquil area with lush vegetation can offer a relaxing and pleasant environment for guests. These additional features can be a differentiating factor that attracts more customers and improves the hotel's reviews and recommendations. Stable Income: The fact that the hotel is generating good annual income indicates that it already has a stable customer base and efficient management. This could be a positive sign for buyers interested in maintaining and improving the business's performance. Potential for Growth: If the hotel is already generating good income, there may be opportunities to expand or further improve the property to further increase income and appeal to guests. However, before making a purchase, it is crucial to conduct thorough due diligence. This includes reviewing the hotel's financial statements, analyzing income and expense flows, reviewing legal documentation, and understanding details about the hotel's operational performance. Additionally, it is advisable to consider external factors such as competition in the area, tourist trends, local regulations, and any other circumstances that may affect the business's performance. In summary, a hotel with these characteristics and location could be an excellent investment opportunity, provided proper research is conducted and the risks and opportunities associated with purchasing the property are understood. "La Perlita" is built on 2 plots totaling 1064.46 m2 (576.96 square meters + 487.50 square meters). The main building, spread over 2 levels, consists of 5 apartments, laundry facilities, a swimming pool, internal and external parking, and 2 furnished bungalows in the backyard. There are 2 complete studios of 30m2 each that can accommodate 3 people each. 1 apartment of 50 m2 for 3 or 4 people. 1 apartment of 65 m2 for 6 people. 1 apartment of 95 m2 for 8 or 10 people. The gross turnover for 2022 is USD 106,649, which was more or less our figure before Covid. (2019: USD 105,341 / 2020: USD 66,513 / 2021: USD 89,352). This figure is achieved in 9½ to 10 months since we visit family in September and October, and we close when the children visit us during the year. Annual charges vary slightly depending on the renovation work we do, but they have never exceeded USD 15,000. Charges are for the 12 months of the year. We would like to remind you that we occupy one of the rooms, which means that the figure is based on only 6 of the 7 rooms. Each apartment has air conditioning. Electricity is completely independent for each of the apartments. Each 24m2 bungalow in the garden can accommodate 2 people. All studios and apartments have a full kitchen, TV, and air conditioning. Bungalows are rooms with shower and bathroom and only ceiling fans and a refrigerator in the room. The gross turnover for 2022 is USD 106,649, which was more or less our figure before Covid. (2019: USD 105,341 / 2020: USD 66,513 / 2021: USD 89,352). This figure is achieved in 9½ to 10 months since we visit family in September and October, and we close when the children visit us during the year. Annual charges vary slightly depending on the renovation work we do, but they have never exceeded USD 15,000. Charges are for the 12 months of the year. We are open to your best offers (the owners could offer some financing directly with them, and it is an excellent opportunity). Don't miss out!        

US$898,000 USD

beautiful hotel in the heart of jaco villa creole
650 m²
11 Habitaciones
10 Garaje
0 Baño(s)



US$1,500,000 USD

economy hotel for sale in the heart of santa ana
3400 m²
0 Habitaciones
0 Baño(s)


Economy hotel for sale in the heart of Santa Ana! This Southern American Colonial design hotel is a favorate amongst locals and tourists!  Boasting a restaurant, 50 rooms, 56 bathrooms, super large pool, 34 parking spots, clean and dated rooms and laslty affordable prices have made this hotel consistantly generate revenues Pre-COVID and during! Excellent reputation and internet marketing generates close 7 figures in revenue.  Located in Santa Ana, this hotel is only a few minutes from Valle del Sol golf course and Santa Ana Country Club. In addition, only a few minutes away from: Route 27, Forum 1 & 2, horseback riding, supermarkets, gym, dining & shopping plazas such as: City Place, Momentum Plaza, Terrazas Lindora, and Escazu where you could enjoy MultiPlaza Mall, Avenida Escazu, District 4, Escazu Village and 30 minutes from the airport, 80 minutes from the beach or Los Suenos Marriot offering resort, golf and sport fishing.  40007421145

US$4,900,000 USD

venta de hotel con beneficios crecientes heredia
560 m²
14 Habitaciones
4 Garaje
0 Baño(s)


In the Heredia province, better-known as the "City of the Flowers" and just 7 miles from the International Airport Juan Santamaria in Alajuela, you will find this beautiful and well located Hotel, in Downtown Heredia. In this Hotel you will find, a good construction quality, 12 Bedrooms and one master suite. This option is the opportunity to start your business in Costa Rica with a growing income every year. The tourism is one of the most solid industries in our country. Tourism has been a pillar of the Costa Rican economy for many years and continues to be the main source of income. Hotel details... The Master Suite: It has a completely furnished apartment, with 2 bedrooms, small sitting/tv area, and a kitchen. There is one full bed and one bunk bed. It is available for four people. Full Size Bed Bunk-Bed Private Bathroom Warn water Fan Internet Wireles & LAN connection Cable TV Telephone / Telephone Alarm Hair Dryer The Two Bed suite. This room have: 2 Full Size Beds Private Bathroom Warn water Fan Environmental Sound System Internet Wireles & LAN connection Cable TV Telephone / Telephone Alarm Hair Dryer The hotel has all the permits and is completely functional. Call us an take a tour for this magnificent opportunity. Welcome to Heredia The city of Heredia, best known as "City of the Flowers", was founded in 1706, pursuant to an initiative of some 150 families dwelling there. In Heredia you still find an important number of coffee plantations, many of which have been adapted to perform guided visits with tourists. It can be delightful to enjoy the captivating process of harvesting, drying and roasting of the coffee beans. Among the natural wonders of the province of Heredia, we find Barva volcano, a formidable colossus, located at the west part of Braulio Carrillo National Park, which rises 2.906 meters over sea level. The vegetation surrounding this sleeping giant is astonishing; an ideal place for bird watching, especially for those who dream of the magnificent quetzal. On the other hand, Braulio Carrillo National Park represents the greatest natural richness near the Central Valley. It is a tropical rainforest- home to hundreds of plant and animal species. The dense vegetation of the park safeguards many cascades and rivers, some of which are used in sports adventures. Sarapiquí River is another of the attractions of the province. This imposing river travels through dense vegetation where birds are abundant, and it has an ideal current for those who enjoy the rapids with a moderate degree of difficulty. The mountainous areas of Heredia, just before crossing the Central Mountain Range, are characterized by vast extensions of forest and fair climate. Many people choose these green and fresh sites to establish themselves far away from the city crowds.   00163190605

US$700,000 USD

vendo hotel frente al mar puntarenas
700 m²
24 Habitaciones
24 Garaje
0 Baño(s)


🇪🇸🇨🇷 En el mar, la vida es más sabrosa.  Si usted es emprendedor, desea tener un negocio pequeño de hotelería, es amante del mar y quiere estar cerca de San José, pues este negocio le puede interesar. La propiedad está ubicada en el Cocal de Puntarenas, un lugar muy seguro ya que cerca del hotel está la Delegación de Policía de Puntarenas e instituciones gubernamentales como INCOPESCA, INA, PANI, Ministerio de Salud y también, la Universidad de Costa Rica y la UNED.  Este hotel con vista al mar, cuenta con 24 dormitorios con su propio baño completo y televisor con cable. Además, la propiedad tiene su recepción, cocina, piscina y un amplio estacionamiento para 24 autos. Y lo mejor de todo, ¡es que el hotel se ubica justo al frente del mar! Venta: $2,600,000. Llame hoy y comience mañana su negocio de hotelería. 🇺🇸🇨🇦 At sea, life is tastier.  If you are an entrepreneur, you want to have a small hotel business, you are a lover of the sea and want to be close to San Jose, well this business may interest you. The property is located in El Cocal of Puntarenas, a very safe place since the Puntarenas Police Delegation and government institutions such as INCOPESCA, INA, PANI, Ministry of Health and also the University of Costa Rica and UNED are near the hotel. This hotel with ocean view, has 24 bedrooms with its own bathroom and TV with cable. In addition the property has its reception, kitchen, pool and ample parking for 24 cars. And the best part is, that the hotel is located right in front of the sea !! Sale: $2,600,000. Call today and start your hospitality business tomorrow.

US$2,600,000 USD

beautiful hotel on sale the best area for birdwatchers
20000 m²
0 Habitaciones
0 Baño(s)


With only the pictures. you can already imagine a spectacular place, with many bird species everywhere. All in a mountain of nature.  near Jaco, Punta Leona, Caldera and Punta Arenas. 21  Rooms, all with bathrooms inside. Restaurant, swimming Pool, butterfly garden, walking tracks, an environmentally friendly Project. Only 10 minutes from the Carara National Park. 10 bungalows and 10 standard rooms all provided with a/c and wi fi. Transportation service. 90070101969

US$2,500,000 USD

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