Lote de terreno con vista al mar situado en Quebrada Seca, se encuentra en una zona con abundante vegetacion, para los amantes de la naturaleza es un lugar increible. En esta propiedad podras construir la casa de tu sueños, con espectacular vista al Oceano Pacifico, tiene disponibilidad de agua y electricidad, en los actuales momentos no existen muchos lotes en Jaco y mucho menos con vista al mar, esta oportunidad no se puede dejar pasar, posee estudio de suelo, si buscas un lugar alejado del ruido y que te brinde mucha paz, este es tu sitio de ensueño, podras apreciar diariamente, monos tucanes y lapas muy cerca de tu hogar, seran tus vecinos, este increible lugar te va a encantar, tiene una superficie de 442 metros cuadrados, es ideal para construir tu propia casa o para inversion con vision a rentas vacacionales en Airbnb, con atractivo unico e inigualable.
Lot of land with ocean views located in Quebrada Seca, it is located in an area with abundant vegetation, for nature lovers it is an incredible place. In this property you can build the house of your dreams with a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean, it has availability of water and electricity, at the moment there are not many lots in Jaco and much less with an ocean view, this opportunity cannot be missed, It has a soil study, if you are looking for a place away from noise and that gives you a lot of peace, this is your dream place, you will be able to appreciate daily, toucan monkeys and limpets very close to your home, they will be your neighbors, this incredible place will suit you. Enchant, has an area of 442 square meters, it is ideal for building your own house or for investment with a vision for vacation rentals on Airbnb, with unique and unmatched appeal.