Realty ONE Group Costa Rica
Code. 7402042


Tárcoles, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Price of sale US$6,000,000 American dollars

Property details

  • Country: Costa Rica
  • Province: Puntarenas
  • City: Tárcoles
  • Code: 7402042
  • Status: Second-hand
  • Area Ground: 4800000 m²
  • Property type: Estate
  • Business type: Sale

Outside features

  • Fruit trees
  • Tourist Areas
  • Native forest
  • Streets of Tosca
  • Near urban area
  • Mountain
  • Beaches
  • Natural water well
  • River/Creek nearby
  • On the main road
  • Terrace
  • Public transport nearby
  • Parkland

Additional Description


I present to you this extraordinary property with enormous potential, due to its location, its size and the incredible views that can be seen.

This property consists of 480 hectares or 1186.11 acres, it is a large area located in a beautiful and unique place among the Tarcoles mountains, its views are of the Pacific Ocean from different points, mouth of the Tarcoles River, Bijagual, main waterfall of Bijagual, in During the rainy season, this waterfall with its great flow is observed in all its majesty from this dream site. On the other side is the immense Pacific Ocean. This area has a lot of potential, since the Central Pacific is developing as quickly as possible. appreciate and these mountains are ideal for investors looking to carry out developments or sell fractionally lots of all types of sizes and with different views according to the client.

This farm has 5 wells with abundant water all year round, nature of all kinds, wood, wild animals, a small earthly paradise very close to us, its access is very easy, and within the farm there are countless wide and professionally made paths that connect all its areas integrally. The height is at the same level as Bijagual, so in some of its areas the climate is colder, beautiful fern vegetation in these parts.

 The potential of this property is incalculable, since very soon Jaco and its surrounding or nearby areas will be developed and this beautiful place will only be ready for someone with vision who can detect how valuable this property is.




Les presento esta extraordinaria propiedad con un potencial gigante, debido a su ubicacion, su tamaño y las vistas increibles que se pueden apreciar la misma.

Esta propiedad consta de 480 Hectareas o 1186.11 Acres, es una amplia zona ubicada en un precioso y unico lugar entre las montañas de Tarcoles, sus vistas son al Oceano Pacifico desde diferentes puntos, desembocadura del Rio Tarcoles, Bijagual, Cascada principal de Bijagual, en la epoca lluviosa esta cascada con el gran caudal es observada en toda su majestuosidad desde este sitio de ensueño, al otro lado esta el inmenso Oceano Pacifico, esta zona es de muchisimo potencial, ya que el Pacifico Central se esta desarrollando muy velozmente como se puede apreciar y estas montañas son ideales para inversionistas que buscan realizar desarrollos o vender fraccionadamente lotes de todo tipo de tamaño y con diferentes vistas de acuerdo al cliente.

Esta Finca posee 5 pozos de agua abundante durente todo el año, naturaleza de todo tipo, madera, animales silvestres, un pequeño paraiso terrenal muy cerca de nosotros, su acceso es muy facil, y dentro de la finca hay infinidad de caminos anchos y realizados profesionalmente que comunican todas sus areas integramente. La altura esta al mismo nivel de Bijagual, por lo que en algunas de sus areas el clima es mas frio, vegetacion de helechos preciosos en estas partes.

El potencial de esta propiedad es incalculable, ya que muy pronto Jaco y sus areas aledañas o cercanas iran desarrollandose y este hermoso lugar solo estara listo para alguien con vision que pueda detectar lo valiosa que es esta Finca.

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Elias Mardeni

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Realty ONE Group Costa Rica