Finca ubicada en calle Hermosa, Garabito, con un area total de 59200 mts 2, la Finca esta en una zona de mucha plusvalia y se pueden desarrollar varios tipos de proyectos, muy buena inversion, tiene pozo, agua, luz, internet, piscina, es un area muy tranquila.
Mucha vegetacion y todo tipo de animales silvestres se encuentran libremente en esta bella finca, realmente es un Parque Nacional, lleno de paz y tranquilidad
Finca located on Calle Hermosa, Garabito, with a total area of 59,200 m2, the Finca is in an area with a lot of capital gains and several types of projects can be developed, very good investment, it has a well, water, electricity, internet, swimming pool, It is a very quiet area. A lot of vegetation and all kinds of wild animals are found freely in this beautiful farm, it really is a National Park, full of peace and tranquility.