Realty ONE Group Costa Rica
Code. 7465299


Tárcoles, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Price of sale US$2,900,000 American dollars

Property details

  • Country: Costa Rica
  • Province: Puntarenas
  • City: Tárcoles
  • Code: 7465299
  • Status: Second-hand
  • Area Ground: 20000 m²
  • Bedrooms: >30
  • Parking garage: 29
  • Property type: Estate - Hotels
  • Business type: Sale

Inside featuress

  • Allow pets
  • Water
  • Air conditioning
  • Furnished
  • Built-in Wardrobes
  • Bathroom in main room
  • American style bar
  • American type kitchen
  • Electricity
  • household gas
  • Tourist accommodation

Additional Description

I present to you this incomparable commercial property, which bases its success on very significant pillars such as the fact that this Hotel is listed as number 1 in the country for Bird Watching and is also ranked among the best in the world in several international publications. the specialty of bird watching in their natural habitat.

The mouth of the Tarcoles River, among its main characteristics, is the abundance of birds of different species and sizes, which inhabit this entire unique natural area.

The Hotel is made up of 25 Rooms and 28 Japanese Capsules, perfectly distributed within the 20 thousand square meters of Total Area of ​​the property, Swimming pool for use by visitors, parking for 70 vehicles is distributed in 3 different places, which provides A great comfort for all guests to be able to have their vehicles safe and close.

The International Restaurant and Pizzeria is operating permanently to satisfy the palate of all the distinguished clientele, wild animals enjoy the common areas, where they can be seen from a very short distance.

 In short, this business is fully operational, which guarantees the future interested party a safe and growing investment over time.

 The facilities are quite close to the city, just 50 minutes from the capital and 1 hour 25 minutes from the Manuel Antonio National Park, Jaco Beach is 25 minutes away, where you can find all kinds of shops. You can schedule a visit to this Natural Sanctuary.

The hotel is listed by the ICT Costa Rican Tourism Institute with 3 stars to recognize the service and quality of attention provided to the public.




Les presento esta incomparable propiedad comercial, que basa su exito en pilares muy significativos como lo son que este Hotel este catalogado como el numero 1 en el pais para la Observacion de pajaros e igualmente en varias publicaciones internacionales esta rankeado dentro de los mejores del mundo en la especialidad de la observacion de aves en su habitat natural.

La desembocadura del Rio Tarcoles dentro de sus caracteristicas principales esta la abundancia de pajaros de diferentes especies y tamaños, que habitan en toda esa area natural unica.

El Hotel esta compuesto por 25 Habitaciones y 28 Capsulas Japonesas, perfectamente distribuidas dentro de los 20 mil metros cuadrados de Area Total de la propiedad, Piscina para uso de los visitantes, el parqueo para 70 vehiculos esta distribuido en 3 diferentes lugares, lo que brinda una ran comodidad para todos los huespedes para poder tener sus vehiculos seguros y cerca. El hotel esta catalogado por el ICT Instituto Costarricence de Turismo con 3 estrellas para reconocer el servicio y la calidad de atencion brindados al publico.

El Restaurant Internacional y Pizzeria esta funcionando permanentemente para satisfacer el paladar a toda la distiguida clientela, los animales silvestres disfrutan de las areas comunes, donde se pueden apreciar desde muy corta distancia.

En fin, este negocio esta en pleno funcionanmiento, lo que le garantiza al futuro interesado, una Inversion segura y en pleno crecimiento en el transcurso del tiempo.

Las Intalaciones estan bastante cerca de la ciudad, a tan solo 50 Minutos desde la capital y a 1 hora 25 minutos del Parque Nacional Manuel ntonio, Playa Jaco esta a 25 minutos, donde podras encontrar todo tipo de comercios. Puedes agendar una visita a este Santuario Natural.

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Elias Mardeni

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Realty ONE Group Costa Rica